Animated Logo Preloader for Website

Animated Logo Preloader for Website

Animated Logo Preloader for Website

Make your own logo animated and use it as a preloader in your website using HTML and CSS and SVG only.

The code is very simple and used the latest css properties and css advanced selectors too.

Credit: The idea is inspired by a logo design from

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<div class="preloader">
  <div class="logo">
      <div class="logo-top">
          <div class="sun">
              <!-- Create 19 span with class -->
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
              <span class="sun-ray"></span>
          <div class="text">
              <!-- create span as per text length in my case i will create 11 span -->
              <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">o</span>
              <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">f</span>
      <div class="logo-bottom">
          <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 473.4 192.39">
              <path class="cls-1" d="M463.52,0c38.15,19.64-33.95,131.14-220.25,143.64C148.31,150,17.52,141,0,192.39-.53,134.2,116.27,120.45,235.66,115,432.24,106,482.92,13.36,463.52,0Z"/>

CSS Code

/* Import Google Font */
@import url('');

/* Variables */
    --sunColor: #FFB703;
    --textColor: #023047;
    --shadowColor: #219EBC;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    font-family: 'Yesteryear', cursive;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    display: grid;
    place-items: center;
    width: 500px;
    text-align: center;
    height: 40px;
.logo-top .sun{
    --size: 60px;
    width: calc(var(--size) * 2);
    height: var(--size);
    margin-inline: auto;
    background-color: var(--sunColor);
    border-top-left-radius: var(--size);
    border-top-right-radius: var(--size);
    position: relative;
    animation: sunAnimation 1s ease forwards, sunAnimation2 1s ease 0.5s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray{
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-left: 5px solid transparent;
    border-right: 5px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 115px solid var(--sunColor);
    position: absolute;
    top: -100%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: bottom;
    opacity: 0;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(1){
    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.50s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(2){
    transform: rotate(-80deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.55s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(3){
    transform: rotate(-70deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.60s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(4){
    transform: rotate(-60deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.65s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(5){
    transform: rotate(-50deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.70s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(6){
    transform: rotate(-40deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.75s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(7){
    transform: rotate(-30deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.80s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(8){
    transform: rotate(-20deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.85s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(9){
    transform: rotate(-10deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.90s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(10){
    transform: rotate(0deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 0.95s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(11){
    transform: rotate(10deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.0s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(12){
    transform: rotate(20deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.05s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(13){
    transform: rotate(30deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.10s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(14){
    transform: rotate(40deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.15s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(15){
    transform: rotate(50deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.20s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(16){
    transform: rotate(60deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.25s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(17){
    transform: rotate(70deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.30s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(18){
    transform: rotate(80deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.35s forwards;
.logo-top .sun-ray:nth-child(19){
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    animation: sunRayAnimation 0s ease 1.40s forwards;
.logo-top .text{
    color: var(--textColor);
    font-size: 60px;
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    top: -45px;
    transform: rotate(-10deg);
    text-shadow: 1px 3px 1px var(--shadowColor);
.logo-top .text span{
    margin-right: -10px;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(1){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(2){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.05s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(3){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.10s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(4){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.15s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(5){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.20s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(6){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.25s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(7){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.30s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(8){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.35s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(9){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.40s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(10){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.45s forwards;
.logo-top .text span:nth-child(11){
    opacity: 0;
    animation: textAnimation 0s ease 1.50s forwards;
    position: relative;
.logo-bottom svg{
    width: 335px;
    fill: transparent;
    animation: svgAnimation 0.1s ease 1.6s forwards;
.logo-bottom svg path{
    stroke: var(--shadowColor);
    stroke-width: 2px;
    stroke-dasharray: 0%, 100%;
    animation: svgPathAnimation 0.5s ease 1.5s forwards;

@keyframes sunAnimation {
        transform-origin: bottom;
        transform: scale(0) rotate(0deg);
        transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
@keyframes sunAnimation2 {
        transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
        transform: scale(1) rotate(-10deg);
@keyframes sunRayAnimation {
        opacity: 0;
        opacity: 1;
@keyframes textAnimation {
        opacity: 0;
        opacity: 1;
@keyframes svgAnimation {
        fill: transparent;
        fill: var(--shadowColor);
@keyframes svgPathAnimation {
        stroke-dasharray: 10%,100%;
        stroke-dasharray: 0%,0%;

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